Namibia 2021


Unfortunately after two wonderful evenings at our favorite lodge, it was time to head back to Windhoek and prepare to leave Namibia the next day.

One of the fun things for most of the trip was our local guide promising to teach us all about termites. This got especially crazy as more and more large termite mounds kept showing up over the last several days of our trip.

A short time after leaving our lodge, our guide finally pulled over next to a large termite mound. Unlike the bad name that termites have in North America due to the damage they can do to buildings, it turns out there are many type of termites in Namibia most of which are very important to the ecosystem. Much of what I thought I knew about them was not true. For example, the large mounds we saw were actually there for ventilation and air conditioning. The termites didn’t actually live in the mounds but underneath them. I have included a couple of links to explore these amazing creatures further for those who might be curious. Turns out that Namibia’s wildlife ranges from massive to tiny and all are critical and wonderful.

We got to see more animals of course as we drove south to the Thule Hotel for our last evening in Namibia. After all the wonderful lodges we had been in, it was quite different. More of a business type city hotel I would say. The place was comfortable but my preferences are much more earthy and non-luxury.

With that said, we had yet another wonderful meal that night to celebrate our two week long adventure. Of course, we had to have at least one more sun-downer sitting out watching over the city as the sun dropped from view for our final night in Namibia.


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  • click on any thumbnail image for a larger view/slideshow
  • Helmeted Guineafowl
    Helmeted Guineafowl
  • Giraffe
  • Common Eland
    Common Eland
  • Giraffe
  • Duck (?)
    Duck (?)
  • Giraffe

© Copyright 2022-2024
James Hunkins
